me & geography

for the chronicling of lessons & adventures along the way

Monday, January 08, 2007

first weeks of wandering

I'm here in the UK alive and well. After some customs drama that made me 2 hrs late getting through immigration (apparently I don't look like I could possibly afford to travel for any period of time) I arrived in Cambridge having to hit the ground running with lots of champagne toasts and Christmas and New Year's feasts. Not going to write much now as I'm about to go out but wanted to just post a few pics to prove i'm here. I've mostly been meeting heaps of people and wandering about Cambridge and London as well as helping out with Just's tour which is going oh so very well. Heading up North the end of the week and looking forward to moving South and then East the end of the month. Plans still TBD.

Cambridge on a very beautiful winter day, can't complain, no need for a winter coat.

Cambridge University church. Cambridge is this absolutely charming little town with a river that runs through it, perfect for a little wander.
Just's second gig - London - was an absolute success (and a sellout). Had quite a bit of drama all week trying to get the cds (Allison doing what she does best on the phone) but they turned up at about 10pm and no one was the wiser.
<-- Meeting up with Jess (my cousin) in London for some cider and Thai food, such a great visit abnd looking forward to seeing her at least once more before I head on.

Right now I'm feeling very thankful to have been welcomed so warmly into Justin's home and not feeling so far from my own. I've been experiencing the entire spectrum of emotions and am sure this will continue throughout the next 8 months as I try to dig deeper and let myself be led wherever it is i'm meant to be going. Look forward to taking more pictures soon to share. Much love!


  • At Monday, January 22, 2007 7:37:00 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    Heya! Glad you've arrived safely and are having a grande old time. Any new posts coming our way?? Fill us in!

    Miss you. Mark

  • At Thursday, January 25, 2007 7:53:00 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    Hey darlin, I'm glad you arrived safe and sound, sounds like a great time, esp. the customs ordeal ;) I have seen you a couple times on MSN but I never have time to log in and say hi cause you're always on first thing, when I am getting ready for work or school, and can't stop to chat! (limited time in the AM). Hope you have a safe trip to France, can't wait for a blog update. Alissa

  • At Thursday, February 01, 2007 5:34:00 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    Hi Ally
    Finally checked out your pics - glad to see you are having a good time - do you still have dreadlocks? :) Passed on your message to U.Buzz re computer work. Take care and will watch for you on line. Love Aunt Rose

  • At Wednesday, February 07, 2007 7:48:00 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    Al - The "All Saints" crowd are thrilled by your emails.....Claire told me she advised against wandering around Moscow (?) toute en seule..........who knew they had THAT much snow, snice, in France? Stay safe. Love, your other "Mum".


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