We're now in a town called Crescent City, just south of the border of Oregon. The past few days have been incredible. So much learning and seeing and doing.
I forgot to say in the last post that we had spent the previous morning (last Sunday) looking around San Fransisco we happened upon a traffic jam like no other, the closer we got to the city, the worse it got, and the more costume-clad university types we started seeing... see photo... we decided to take a risk and drive down a blockaded road only to find ourselves in the middle of the biggest post-street party clean up we had seen a while, ambulances, street cleaners and garbage trucks... and more of the cosumers - totally loaded, and it was 11am on a Sunday... we figured it was a end of year uni party and got the heck out of there, luckily the main downtown area was clear... later we found out it was actually a marathon day that has been running every year and has just exploded with crazyiness... wild.

From there we found ourselves climbing a mountain and chatting up a park ranger for discounted camping, which she helped us out with and we have offered a free ticket to Just's seattle show for her boy.
We camped that night in this amazing ravine, with private beach and amazing sunset.
Yesterday we were hunting for this hippy community Just had found when he was here years ago, turns out it's been sold and so instead we drove into the middle of the redwood forest and met a nice Texan who we decided to share a site with... an early start this morning and we've already got 3 hours of driving under our belt and it's 11:30am. Crossing the border today and hoping to pithc our tent on the beach again...
ps. the first couple pictures are from our first 2 nights on the route 1, (which we've been driving on this whole time, night 1 on a beach in santa barbara and night 2 in big sur)